Institute of Supply and Materials Management - ISMM

In June 1972 18 persons of Senior Executive level in the field of Purchasing and Materials Management in Government Departments, Defence Services, State Corporation and leading Mercantile Firms met to discuss the establishment of an Institute to foster the professional development of the Purchasing and Supply Functions in Sri Lanka.
On 24th October 1972 the Institute of Supply and Materials Management was established, thus fulfilling a long felt need. The Institute was ceremonially inaugurated with a well attended seminar in early 1973 at the Auditorium of the Central Bank by the then Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade, Hon. T. B. Illangaratne.
It was registered as a company under section 19 of the Companies Ordinance in 1978 with the Registrar of Companies.
The Institute was admitted a Member of the Organization of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka in 1976 and has its registered office in the OPA Building at No.275/75, Prof. Stanley Wijesundara Mawatha, Colombo 7. This Institute was incorporated by Parliament by Act No. 3 of 1981.
The ISMM affiliated to the International Federation of Purchasing & Supply Management (IFPSM), the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) in USA, Association of Management Development Institutes of South Asia (AMDISA) and the Asian-Pacific Logistics Federation (APLF).
Contact Details
+94 11 2 555562, +94 76 0966366
OPA Building , No. 275/75 , Prof. Stanley Wijesundara Mw , Colombo 07
Courses @ Institute of Supply and Materials Management - ISMM
Certificates And Diploma Course In Supply Chain Management
Institute of Supply and Materials Management - ISMM
The Certificate, Advanced Certificate and Diploma in Supply Chain Management (SCM) will constitute a set of professional qualifications reflecting levels of understanding and of competence needed to assume responsibility for managing supply chain management.
Graduate Diploma In Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
Institute of Supply and Materials Management - ISMM
For Managers, Executives, Practitioners in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, University Graduates or School Leavers seeking Professional Qualifications.
3 years long

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