NEXT Campus

NEXT Campus was set up by a group of professionals who hold senior management positions in the Corporate Sector and had a common passion for empowering young students with the knowledge, skills and competencies required for career advancement and personal development.
With over 100 years of cumulative experience in business and academics between them, the founder directors along with a team of likeminded professionals and academic lecturers to transform young students into professionals who can actively contribute towards the achievement of their employers' Corporate Goals whilst enhancing their personal competencies.
Contact Details
+94 11 5 119999
320, T B Jayah Mawatha , Colombo 10
Courses @ NEXT Campus
BCU Masters in Business Administration
NEXT Campus
From the highly ranked Birmingham City University, The Masters in Business Administration is an international qualification that will provide you with the sophisticated knowledge and practical skills to help you advance rapidly in the corporate world.
MSc. in Project Management
NEXT Campus
The MSc. in Project Management from Birmingham City University (BCU) has been designed to ensure that the key principles you will acquire are current and applicable in marketing or service-led organizations as they are in engineering, IT or manufacturing firms.
1 year long

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