Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance - SLILG

Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance (SLILG) emerged in the background of the search for a developmental vision for Local Government in the country. Accordingly, a Presidential Commission was appointed to study and make recommendations on the vision in 1997. In their recommendations, the Presidential Commission emphatically addressed the needs for a new Institution that would cater to the requirements of capacity building in the Local Government sector in the country. The emphasis herein was to consider Local Government as an autonomous, independent sector that could be directly linked to the development of the people's expectations to live up to the standards of effective, efficient service delivery and to up lift the living conditions of the people. The implying characteristics in this endeavour was that they are the best suited institutions that could meet the expectations. They were endowed with the characteristics of being a representative body of the people, being the democratic organization closest to them. In pursuance of these expectations the Parliament by Act No. 31 of 1999, established the SLILG which commenced functioning in October that year.
Under the 13th amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka, a three-tiered devolved system of governance was created in the country in 1987, as the effective exercise of devolved power is a necessary condition for the realization of democracy and objectives of power sharing. The objective of the SLILG is to facilitate the enhancement of institutional and managerial capabilities of Provincial Councils and Local Government Institutions for the efficient and effective delivery of services to the people and to ensure good governance at regional level.
Contact Details
+94 11 2 586259
N0.17, Malalasekara Mawatha , Colombo 07
Courses @ Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance - SLILG
Higher Diploma in Urban Planning
Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance - SLILG
Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance (SLILG) emerged as an institute in the background of the search for a developmental vision for Local Government in the country by catering to the requirements of capacity building in the Local Government sector.

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