Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation

Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation as the national body of the tax professionals in the Country is in the forefront of producing the competent tax professionals under close supervision and guidance of the eminent tax professionals and revenue officials.
In 1992, some of the retired senior officials of the Department of Inland Revenue took the initiative to form the Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation with the objective to produce competent tax professionals and to impart knowledge of taxation to members of the public. A few years later, after the formation of the Institute, steps were taken to incorporate it by an Act of Parliament to enable it to pursue its objectives with official sanction. The Bill to incorporate the Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation was passed in Parliament by Act No. 21 of 2000 on 19th June 2000.
Contact Details
+94 112 718804, +94 77 0884927
42A, 1/1, Galle Road , Dehiwala
Courses @ Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation
Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation
Step into a Professional Career in TAXATION within 2 years. Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation as the national body of the tax professionals in the Country.
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