Wijeya Graphics

Wijeya Graphics (Pvt) Ltd was set up in 1986 as a subsidiary of Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL), with the primary object of printing, publishing and reselling of computers peripherals. (Apple Computers, HP products, Epson products)
In 1998, Wijeya Graphics became the distributor for Apple Computer in Sri Lanka. The demand for computer applications from our customers in their varied business fields encouraged us to establish a Graphic Designing Training Centre. With the collaboration of Wytech (Pvt) Ltd established under the BOI, with Registration No. 2203/01/08/2000, today Wijeya Graphics has Training Centers covering many major cities islandwide.
Wijeya Graphics is renowned in Sri Lanka for Graphic Designing. This is amply proved by the demand from mercantile firms handling graphics for students who pass out from our Institutes. Many of our past students now occupy senior positions in most advertising and multimedia organizations.
Wijeya Graphics is committed to creating opportunities for self employment and providing quality graphic designers for the Printing Industry, Advertising Agencies, Production Studios and Media Establishments locally as well as abroad.
The prominence given to Wijeya Graphic Diploma is such that it has been sought as a professional working standard by employers.
Contact Details
+94 11 5 232000
No 60, New Kelani Bridge Road , Colombo
Courses @ Wijeya Graphics
Diploma In Multimedia
Wijeya Graphics
The main objective of the Diploma in Multimedia is to preserve Wijeya Graphics as the best option for careers in Graphic Designing and 3D Animations.
2 years long
Tv Production
Wijeya Graphics
Introduction to Television Media, Technology, Camera Theory, Lighting Theory, Script Writing and Practical.
3 months long
Digital Animation
Wijeya Graphics
The purpose of this programme is to prepare students with the skills in graphic design, after which , students learn to transform 2D graphics into the 3D world.
6 month long

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