Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Courses
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Diploma in Information Technology
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
This course has been designed to fulfill all levels of the Information Technology requirements of students and practitioners in the area. It helps to self development and improves their performances at their organizations.
12 months long
Higher Diploma in Software Engineering
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
The course ensures that participants will have comprehensive skills in systematic designing and development of software applications. Essential skills and techniques are taught and practiced to perfection in a creative atmosphere with a strong emphasis on Software Engineering concepts.
1 year long
Diploma in Software Engineering
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
The Department of Computing and Information Systems of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka offers the "Diploma in Software Engineering" to cater the needs of the office force and those who are willing to become as a professional in the field of Software Engineering.
12 months long
Diploma in Construction Labour Productivity and Performance Management
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
The DCLPPM is willing to be an ideal programme for the Sri Lankan construction sector, meets the industry needs and expectation.
Diploma in Accounting Information Systems
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
This diploma address the national need of the people who have not reached higher education in the Accounting Information systems field.
1 year long