Ceylon - German Technical Training Institute - CGTTI Courses
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Automobile Mechanic
Ceylon - German Technical Training Institute - CGTTI
Provide proper training in both theoretical and practical background on latest and advanced automobile technology.
Auto Electricity
Ceylon - German Technical Training Institute - CGTTI
To achieve practical experience in electrical maintenance on heavy and light vehicles to obtain the ability to commence self employment or upgrade your workplace and quality of work to attract foreign employment opportunity.
150 hours long
Ceylon - German Technical Training Institute - CGTTI
To cover the relevant course contents the lectures, practical sessions and assignments will be given. Completion of this course is a certification for training on Advance 3D modeling with Auto desk Inventor Professional or Sclid works.
150 hours long
Electrical Wireman
Ceylon - German Technical Training Institute - CGTTI
On successful completion of electrical wireman (E5) course students will be able to obtain self employment as a wireman.
Electricity & Electronic in Automobile
Ceylon - German Technical Training Institute - CGTTI
To gain knowledge of electronically controlled units and subunits governing systems and their trouble shooting techniques.
150 hours long