International Institute of Health Sciences - IIHS Courses
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Diploma in General Nursing
International Institute of Health Sciences - IIHS
This course is especially designed for those who wish to pursue a career in Nursing. Those who enjoy working with people and care about promoting good health may be interested in pursuing such a career.
36 months (full time) long
Bachelor of Nursing - Deakin University Australia
International Institute of Health Sciences - IIHS
Awarded by Deakin University, Australia. 03 years in Sri Lanka @ IIHS / 01 years in Australia @ Deakin University - Melbourne.
4 years long
Bachelor(Hons) Nursing Science - Open University Malaysia
International Institute of Health Sciences - IIHS
Now, with the collaboration between Open University Malaysia and IIHS (Learning Center for Open University of Malaysia), our Nurses will have the opportunity to upgrade their knowledge by furthering their education up to Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Nursing.
2 years long
International Institute of Health Sciences - IIHS
IELTS is the world’s proven English test. Over 1.2 million candidates take the test each year to start their journey towards international education and employment.
Certificate in Health Sciences path way to Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled) - TAFE South Australia
International Institute of Health Sciences - IIHS
You can now start your internationally recognised TAFE South Australian Diploma of Nursing, right here in Sri Lanka, with our Certificate in Health Studies (Pathway to Nursing). Graduates are able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning with TAFE South Australia.