Courses in Matara
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
City & Guilds IVQ 3 - Diploma Engineering
SEI Campus
Ready to take your skills to the next level? Enroll now for the City & Guilds IVQ Level 3 Diplomas in Engineering
1 year long
National Diploma in Sales Management (NDSM)
Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing - SLIM
Sales force management skills will have remarkable impact on organizational sales performance and profitability. As a result, there is an increasing interest in developing sales force as organizations become more aware of the significance of building strong and powerful sales teams.
1 year long
Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours (BSEHons) programme aims to produce quality, skillful graduates in this rapidly developing discipline, which covers one of the major fields of computing according to the ACM/IEEE curriculum guidelines.
3 years long
National Youth Centre NVQ Courses
National Youth Services Council - NYSC
The National Youth Centre has initiated several programs to enable the youth to develop their skills while also providing an opportunity to achieve their future job aspirations through the provision of a variety of programs to develop their vocational as well as language skills.
Engineering Advanced Diploma Course
SEI Campus
Start a world recognized course after A/Ls Direct Entry for Engineering Degree-Top up with SEI Campus
2 years long
Diploma in English
ESOFT Metro Campus
The Diploma level is suitable for students who already possessed the English language skills at foundation level. The course serves to further enhance the language skills of the student’s knowledge in terms of speaking, vocabulary, writing, reading and listening.
48 hours long
NAITA NVQ Certification
National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority - NAITA
The NVQ framework provides for persons to acquire certificates through undergoing a formal institutional training as well recognizing competencies acquired through informal non - institutional means.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Centre for Distance and Continuing Education - CDCE - University of Peradeniya
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) online Degree programme is delivered by Centre for Distance and Continuing Education (CDCE), University of Peradeniya and conducted in collaboration with the department of Management Studies of the Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya.
3 years long
Diploma in Human Resources Management
IBA Campus
This course amis to provide basic understanding about human resource management and its related ares to both individuals who are expected to be engaged in human resource management discipline or other disciplines.
12 months long
Course in Computerized Accounting for SME (SME)
AAT Business School
For accountancy students, employees and for those seeking foreign employment in the accounting field.
3 months (12 weeks) long
Technical College NVQ Certificate Courses
Department of Technical Education & Training - DTET
Department of Technical Education & Training offers NVQ level 3 & 4 certificate courses and you can follow there courses at Technical Colleges in your area.
Master of science in Crop Production Technology
University of Ruhuna
In the proposed postgraduate program of crop production technology envisage provision of technological know-how to students, commencing from crop environment, agronomic aspects of planting to harvesting, technological aspects of crop production and post-harvest processing up to the marketing.
2 years long
Bachelor of Education (Top Up)
European Institute of Professional Education - EIPEL Campus
This is a direct entry to final year of the Bachelor of Education Degree facilitated for persons already possessing National College of Education Diploma and other relevant Advanced Diploma. Degree is conferred by UGC Recognized IIC University of Technology.
12 months long
BSc (Hons) in Cyber Security
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology - SLIIT
The course is designed for students who wish to gain an accelerated early career in cyber/information security. It will prepare you for a successful career in the various roles directly and indirectly connected to the world of computer, network and information security.
4 years long
Certificate Course in Human Resource Management (CCHRM)
Chartered Institute of Personnel Management - CIPM
To provide a wider spectrum of knowledge in Human Resource Management, to enhance the skills of participant in managing Human Resources, to serve as an entry qualification to junior executive positions in Human Resource Management.
3 months long
Higher Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management
American College of Higher Education - ACHE
The Higher Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management is developed by London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) to provide a progression route for students aiming for a higher qualification in the field of hospitality management.
26 months long
Diploma in Early Childhood and Primary Teaching
Leeds Campus of Business & Technology - LCBT
Diploma in Earlychildhood Education and Promary Teaching Diploma is to prepare dedicated educators with specialized knowledge and practical skills in early childhood and primary education, nurturing young learners in their formative years and fostering a love for learning.
15 months long
Advanced Certificate in Agro-Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Home Gardening (AESH)
University of Ruhuna
Advanced Certificate in Agro-Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Home Gardening (AESH) from faculty of agriculture, university of Ruhuna.
6 months long
MBA in Human Resource Management (MBA in HRM)
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The MBA in HRM strives to build capacity of HR professionals enabling them to strategically align people to work towards overall goals of an organization.
2 years long
BSc (Hons) in Data Science
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology - SLIIT
The meticulous curriculum focuses on the fundamentals of computer science, statistics, and applied mathematics, while incorporating real-world examples.
4 years long
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing
Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing - SLIM
The Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing is a unique programme of study which is considered to be a qualification in par with other internationally recognized qualifications.
24 months long
City & Guilds Civil Engineering (IVQ 05)
SEI Campus
City & Guilds - UK Qualification Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering (IVQ 05) Apply for 2025 January intake
1 year long
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
University of Ruhuna
MBA is a two-year program on which the first year leads to the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA) and the eligible candidates can enroll for the second year to continue for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA).
2 years long
SEI Campus
Start your career with O/L 📣 DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING 🎓 Pathway to Engineering Degree Top-up in Sri Lanka
1 year long
Certified Professional Marketer (Asia)
Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing - SLIM
The highest recognition given to a marketer whose competencies of academic and practical understanding in the Asian Region.
3 months long
Commonwealth Executive MBA / MPA
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Commonwealth Executive MBA and MPA are two of the well-established Master's Degree programmes offered by the Department of Management Studies of the OUSL in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in Vancouver, Canada.
2 years long
BSc Special (Hons) in Information Technology
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology - SLIIT
The programme is designed for technically focused students who required to develop strong professional & academic capabilities in programming.
4 years long
Certificate in Digital Marketing (CDM)
Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing - SLIM
Designed to discover the fundamentals of various aspects of digital marketing and the online communication ecosystem.
3 months long
Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
SEI Campus
Embark on a rewarding career as a Professional Engineer with City & Guilds - UK Qualifications, renowned for their global recognition and industry relevance.
2 years long
Diploma in Human Resource Management - DHRM
University of Ruhuna
The Diploma in human resource management is a comprehensive program specially designed to give candidates a solid, basic foundation in Human Resource Management.
1 year long
Advanced Certificate in Pre-school Education
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This programme is designed to assist those engaged in the education and care of young children to advance their knowledge in the Principles of Child Development.
1 year long
Diploma in English Language and Literature
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Diploma in English Language and Literature is a one-year academic programme designed to meet the needs of students who wish to enhance their English language and communication skills.
1 year long
Ruhuna MBM - Master in Business Management
University of Ruhuna
The prime objective of the Ruhuna MBM is to prepare the candidates of the program to reflect and provide valuable insight into management practices as they apply to many different areas of businesses.
Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering (IVQ 05
SEI Campus
City & Guilds - UK Qualification Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering (IVQ 05) 🎓 2024 October intake
1 year long
City & Guilds Engineering Qualifications
SEI Campus
Diploma in Engineering after O/Ls | World recognized City & Guilds Engineering Qualifications now in Sri Lanka
1 year long
Certificate in Computer Networks & Security
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science conducts Certificate programmes that would enhance the knowledge, skills, and positive work attitude among employees / students in the government and non-government sector.
6 months long
City & Guilds Advanced Diploma Civil Engineering (Online)
SEI Campus
City & Guilds Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering (IVQ 5) With this Qualification You can migrate to Canada, the UK, and Australia for higher education
1 year long
Bachelor of Arts in English and English Language Teaching
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The B.A in English and English Language Teaching is a four year special degree which includes the study of Applied Linguistics, English Language Teaching, Literature and relevant areas of Education.
4 years long
Civil Engineering-Foundation
SEI Campus
Start your career with O/L pending results.. FOUNDATION COURSES IN ENGINEERING Become a qualified Engineer with SEI Campus
1 year long
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The BA in Social Sciences is a 3 year multi-disciplinary degree offered in the English medium. The BA in Social Sciences offers you the opportunity to obtain a multi-disciplinary social science training while also selecting a stream in which you can obtain a special orientation.
3 years long
SEI Campus
Start your career with O/L or A/L DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING Direct entry into IVQ 4+5 Diplomas in Engineering
1 year long
Diploma in Information Systems and Technology
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The programme is designed in a way that a student who successfully completes the Diploma can find a placement immediately in the IT industry and earn a Bachelor of Software Engineering Degree (confirming to IEEE/ACM curriculum guidelines) while being employed.
1 year long
Certificate Programme in Laboratory Technology
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Certificate in Laboratory Technology programme offered at Level 1 provides opportunities for adults without formal educational qualifications to enter the field of laboratory technology and obtain tertiary educational qualifications.
1 year long
City & Guilds Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IVQ 4+5)
SEI Campus
Start your career as a Professional Engineer with City & Guilds - UK Qualifications, renowned for their global recognition and industry relevance.
2 year long
Electrical and Electronic Engineering-Foundation
SEI Campus
Start your career with O/L pending results.. FOUNDATION COURSES IN ENGINEERING Become a qualified Engineer with SEI Campus
1 year long
Certificate in Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling (AutoCAD)
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
On successful completion of the course, a Certificate in Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling with AutoCAD will be awarded by the Faculty of Engineering Technology of the Open University of Sri Lanka.
3 months long
Bachelor of Education in Drama and Theatre
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This Programme is developed by the Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education with the aim of providing opportunities for those who have the Higher Diploma in Drama and Theatre of the Tower Hall Theatre Foundation to join the teaching profession.
4 years long
Mechanical Engineering-Foundation
SEI Campus
Start your career with O/L pending results.. FOUNDATION COURSES IN ENGINEERING Become a qualified Engineer with SEI Campus
1 year long
City & Guilds Diploma & Advanced Diploma Courses
SEI Campus
Advance Your Engineering Career with City & Guilds Ready to take your engineering career to the next level ? Enroll in our September 2024 intake and earn an internationally recognized qualification with City & Guilds
2 year long
Bachelor of Education in Natural Sciences
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education of the Faculty of Education offers this Inter-Faculty programme of study, in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
4 years long
City & Guilds Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering
SEI Campus
Learn Online !! After A/Ls City & Guilds Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering Start your career as a Professional Engineer
1 year long
Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering (IVQ 5)
SEI Campus
City & Guilds Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering (IVQ 5) Classes are on Weekends, either Online or Classroom based.
2 year long
City & Guilds - UK Qualification Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering (IVQ 05)
SEI Campus
City & Guilds - UK Qualification Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering (IVQ 05) 🎓 Registrations are Now Open for the 2023 September Intake !!
1 year long
City & Guilds Diploma Courses
SEI Campus
Congratulations 🥳 on completing your Advanced Level Exam 2023 With any results for your advanced-level exam, you have the opportunity for further education. 🎓
1 year long
City & Guilds Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
SEI Campus
Be a professional in the Automotive industry Introducing City & Guilds – UK brand new qualification Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Level 3 Diploma - 7290-13) Conducted by : SEI CAMPUS – Sri Lanka
1 year long
Engineering Foundation Course (06-months)
SEI Campus
After O/Ls 👇 Degree pathway program 🎓 Engineering Foundation Course (06-months) This program leads to follow City & Guilds Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering or Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair principals.
6 months long
City & Guilds Civil Engineering Advanced Diploma
SEI Campus
After your A/L Exam Fastest way to become an Engineer Complete this qualification within 2 years & Migrate to the UK, Canada or Australia to complete the Degree.
02 years long