Courses in Nawala
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Certificate in Pattern Making & Grading
Garment Industry Management Institute - GIMI
This course provides an in depth knowledge of technical skills that is essential in the pattern making and grading department in the garment industry.
4 months long
Short Course in English for Employment
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This course focuses on communication in the MODERN WORKPLACE through a blend of stimulating activities involving group and individual tasks.
20 weeks long
Diploma in Childcare Management
Mother's Touch International Academy - MTIA
This course will provide the starting point to setting up your own business in Children’s services. It provides you with insight into understanding, caring for and supporting the development of young children along with a management component that will direct you to starting a successful business.
15 months long
Advanced Certificate in HRM
Human Resource Management Institute - HRMI
This Executive Development Programme in HRM provides a comprehensive coverage of both operational HR plus Legal aspects of HR to enable the participants to make a professional contribution to the functioning of a HR Department.
4 1/2 months long
Professional Web Development Using Joomla & Wordpress
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Those who are interested in designing and developing a website can join this course. Each participant should have the fundamental knowledge on using a computer and the usage of the Internet and email.
10 weeks long
Executive Diploma in Apparel Management & Technology
Garment Industry Management Institute - GIMI
This is the only Apparel specific Diploma which encompasses the fundamentals as well as the most modern concepts and techniques in the management of Garment Factories.
1 year long
Diploma in Montessori Method of Education
Mother's Touch International Academy - MTIA
This method of teaching was created by Dr. Maria Montessori based on her understanding of children and how they learn in prepared environments.
Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education
Mother's Touch International Academy - MTIA
This Diploma course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for teaching in preschools and other early education settings.
Bachelor of Education Honours in Primary Education
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Faculty of Education offers a Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education (LEVEL 05) for those who wish to follow Education Pathway to fulfill career dreams.
2 years long
PGD in Special Needs Education
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Faculty of Education offers a PGD in Special Needs Education Programme for those who wish to follow Special Needs Education Pathway to fulfill career dreams.
15 months long
Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours (BSEHons) programme aims to produce quality, skillful graduates in this rapidly developing discipline, which covers one of the major fields of computing according to the ACM/IEEE curriculum guidelines.
3 years long
Bachelor of Management Studies
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
In our rapidly changing socio-economic environment, there is a growing demand for trained personnel in management of business and other managerial fields. Conceptually equipped, trained managers are increasingly in demand.
4 years long
Bachelor of Science Honours in Nursing
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This programme aims to develop competent professional nursing graduates with broad knowledge, skills and favorable attitudes to provide quality care in every aspect of nursing practice.
4 years long
Bachelor of Pharmacy Honours
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This programme aims to develop a graduate with knowledge, skills and attitudes to become a competent pharmacist who can effectively contribute to the needs and challenges of the pharmacy profession.
4 years long
Bachelor of Science Honours in Psychology
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This programme is structured for individuals interested in understanding the discipline of Psychology and its many subfields using the open, distance and flexible platform facilitated by the OUSL.
4 years long
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences Honours
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The aim of the program is to provide an integrated education and training in the field of Medical Laboratory Sciences to suit the healthcare and research needs of industrial and commercial sectors and to prepare the students for lifelong independent learning and career development.
4 years long
MBA in Human Resource Management (MBA in HRM)
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The MBA in HRM strives to build capacity of HR professionals enabling them to strategically align people to work towards overall goals of an organization.
2 years long
Diploma in Laboratory Technology
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Laboratory technology is a multidisciplinary subject area that deals with acquiring knowledge and skills of the laboratory work related to disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering.
1 year long
Commonwealth Executive MBA / MPA
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Commonwealth Executive MBA and MPA are two of the well-established Master's Degree programmes offered by the Department of Management Studies of the OUSL in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in Vancouver, Canada.
2 years long
Diploma in Tourism Operations
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Department of Social Studies proudly presents the first Diploma program in Tourism Operations for upgrading skills and broadening knowledge of Tourism and related fields.
1 year long
Short Course in ICT for Beginners
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This short course is mainly designed to provide an in-depth knowledge to those who are learning ICT for their G.C.E. (A/L). Highly recommended for those who have done their G.C.E. O/L and awaiting results.
6 months long
Bachelor of Technology (Engineering)
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) Study Programme is the engineering degree programme offered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology, which is recognized by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL).
4 years long
Advanced Certificate in Pre-school Education
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This programme is designed to assist those engaged in the education and care of young children to advance their knowledge in the Principles of Child Development.
1 year long
Certificate in Tourism and Hotel Operations
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This will provide to train students at basic levels in the fast developing tourism and hotel industry. Schools leavers who are interested in a career in the Tourism and Hotel Industry and others who are already employed in the industry to improve their skills.
3 months long
Diploma in English Language and Literature
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Diploma in English Language and Literature is a one-year academic programme designed to meet the needs of students who wish to enhance their English language and communication skills.
1 year long
Master of Education
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This is a 30-credit study programme. A candidate should acquire the 30 credits within a minimum of 1 year, not necessarily consecutive, provided the student maintains registration throughout.
1 year long
Foundation Courses for Science and Engineering Degree
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Science and Engineering Foundation Courses are designed to encourage those without the basic entry qualifications to pursue higher studies in Science and Engineering Technology to achieve such qualifications.
2 years long
Certificate in Computer Networks & Security
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science conducts Certificate programmes that would enhance the knowledge, skills, and positive work attitude among employees / students in the government and non-government sector.
6 months long
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Department of Legal Studies offers the Degree of Bachelor of Laws (LLB). The degree is offered with the intention of teaching core courses in law required for the degree.
4 years long
Bachelor of Arts in English and English Language Teaching
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The B.A in English and English Language Teaching is a four year special degree which includes the study of Applied Linguistics, English Language Teaching, Literature and relevant areas of Education.
4 years long
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The BA in Social Sciences is a 3 year multi-disciplinary degree offered in the English medium. The BA in Social Sciences offers you the opportunity to obtain a multi-disciplinary social science training while also selecting a stream in which you can obtain a special orientation.
3 years long
Diploma in Information Systems and Technology
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The programme is designed in a way that a student who successfully completes the Diploma can find a placement immediately in the IT industry and earn a Bachelor of Software Engineering Degree (confirming to IEEE/ACM curriculum guidelines) while being employed.
1 year long
Certificate Programme in Laboratory Technology
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Certificate in Laboratory Technology programme offered at Level 1 provides opportunities for adults without formal educational qualifications to enter the field of laboratory technology and obtain tertiary educational qualifications.
1 year long
Diploma in Microbiology
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Diploma Programme in Microbiology which is designed to cater to professionals who are in the relevant sectors, both private and government, and also those who wish to gain/upgrade knowledge and skills in the field of Microbiology with the aim of becoming professionals in the relevant field.
1 year long
Bachelor of Industrial Studies Honours
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Bachelor of Industrial Studies Programme is especially designed and offered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology for those who are engaged in a particular industry or intend to join the industry.
4 years long
Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Bachelor of Industrial Studies Study Programme is especially designed and offered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology for those who have engaged in a particular industry or intend to join the industry.
4 years long
Certificate in Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling (AutoCAD)
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
On successful completion of the course, a Certificate in Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling with AutoCAD will be awarded by the Faculty of Engineering Technology of the Open University of Sri Lanka.
3 months long
Bachelor of Education in Drama and Theatre
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
This Programme is developed by the Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education with the aim of providing opportunities for those who have the Higher Diploma in Drama and Theatre of the Tower Hall Theatre Foundation to join the teaching profession.
4 years long
Bachelor of Education in Natural Sciences
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education of the Faculty of Education offers this Inter-Faculty programme of study, in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
4 years long
Certificate in Social Sciences
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The Certificate in Social Sciences is a distance education Certificate level programme offered by the Department of Social Studies of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences.
2 years long
Diploma in Technology - Computer Engineering
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
The diploma aims to produce personal who are qualified to occupy middle level technical and management positions in the hardware and software engineering fields. These students are trained in practical skills along with theoretical subject knowledge.
2 years long
Bachelor of Technology - Computer Engineering
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Bachelor of Computer Engineering is a four (04) year degree programme specializing in Computer Engineering. This degree programme is accredited by Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) allowing the students to obtain the membership of this prestigious Institute.
4 years long