Computing Masters / PhD Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology - SLIIT
We offer a wide selection of PhD courses under Computing and Engineering fields. These programmes involve an applicant being assigned to a supervisor for guidance in conducting the research.
3 - 5 years long
Master of Science in Computing (MSc in Computing)
Londontec City Campus
Awarded by Wrexham Glyndwr University, A British Government Public University. UGC Recognized. Assignment Based. Full Master Degree - 180 Credits.
01 year long
Master of Information Technology
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka - SUSL
The Master of Information Technology (MIT) is a one-year taught programme. The programme consists of two semesters of taught modules followed by a Capstone Project and will particularly tempt those students who want to gain a postgraduate qualification to accelerate their career within 12 months.
1 year long
MSc. Artificial Intelligence
AI Academy
Our MSc is designed for business and technology graduates who aim to develop a spike in applied AI and become the leaders of tomorrow.
12 - 18 months long
MSc in Big Data Analytics
Informatics Institute of Technology - IIT
This Masters degree course offers extensive training in Big Data technology and methods, providing the opportunity to upgrade existing skills to state of the art expertise in areas such as data mining.
2 years long
MPhil / PhD
University of Moratuwa - UOM
Research degree programmes leading to MPhil and PhD degrees are introduced to undertake in-depth study in various computing areas with a particular emphasis on modern trends and the need of the country.