Finance Certificate Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Advanced Computerized Accounting
We have both traditional classes and online classes. You can switch which you prefered. Learn at your own pace anywhere, anytime!
70 hours long
Certificate Course in Investment - English Medium
Colombo Stock Exchange - CSE
Online course. Rs. 15,000. 3 hrs per day. Duration 5 days. On weekdays. Time 6 to 9 pm. Will be awarded a certificate at the completion of the course. Students who complete all 3 courses in Investment, Financial Statement Analy Stock Selection (Rs. 45,000) will receive an exemption at the ADFM.
5 days long
IBSL - Institute Of Bankers Of Sri Lanka
KBBS Campus
IBSL qualification is one of the most applicable financial professional qualifications in Sri Lanka very specifically for the Banks and Finance Companies.
Banking & Finance
Golden College
Looking to start your career in Banking? Golden College Presents Banking and Finance Course The only banking course in Sri Lanka give you practical knowledge to enter the finance industry.
04 months long
Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation
Step into a Professional Career in TAXATION within 2 years. Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation as the national body of the tax professionals in the Country.
2 years long
Diploma in Accounting & Finance
AAT Business School
Diploma in Accounting & Finance (DAF) offers you a qualification to embark on a career in the field of Accounting & Finance.
1 year long
Certificate in Capital Markets (CCM)
Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka - SEC
Are you looking to grow your career? Join the Certificate in Capital Markets programme conducted by the SEC Sri Lanka - Capital Market Development & Awareness to build a rewarding career in capital markets.
CIMA Certificate Level (1st Level)
The CIMA qualification is ideal for those seeking a career in finance or business management within a company or business environment. The minimum entry requirement is the age to be more than 16.
6 months long
Foundation in Accounting & Finance
Bristol Institute of Business Management
The programme aims to enable students to demonstrate generalized theoretical and factual knowledge of accounting and relate them to a range of practical applications and use applied knowledge.
1 year long
Certificate Course in Microfinance
Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka - IBSL
Certificate Course in Microfinance
36 hours long
Advanced Excel 2016 - Level 2
Netassist International
If you are certified in Advance Excel, you'll always have the upper hand in Project Presentations, Demonstrations, etc. Advance Excel today is the need for great importance and taking in the skills of Advance Excel can lead you to stand out among a big crowd of people.
8 hours long
Certificate in Advanced Corporate Finance
Alpha Business School
Certificate in Advanced Corporate Finnace awarded in collaboration with Metropolitan University will help one make insightful financial decisions without relying on third parties and help understand complex financial issues For CXO's and those in the Managerial Level with a Non Financial Background
10 weeks long
Power Excel - Level 3
Netassist International
Microsoft Excel Expert / Power Excel training will provide you the knowledge in Business Intelligence tools, Power pivot, Dashboards and all other advanced functions in MS Excel.
12 hours long
Certificate Course in Stock Selection - Sinhala Medium
Colombo Stock Exchange - CSE
Online course. Rs. 15,000. 3 hrs per day. Duration 5 days. On weekdays. Time 6 to 9 pm. Will be awarded a certificate at the completion of the course.Students who complete all 3 courses in Investment, Financial Statement Analysi, Stock Selection (Rs. 45,000) will receive an exemption at the ADFM.
5 days long
Certificate Course in Financial Statement Analysis - Sinhala Medium
Colombo Stock Exchange - CSE
Online course. Rs. 15,000. 3 hrs per day. Duration 5 days. On weekdays. Time 6 to 9 pm. Will be awarded a certificate at the completion of the course. Students who complete all 3 courses in Investment, Financial Statement & Stock Selection (Rs. 45,000) will receive an exemption at the ADFM.
5 long