Mechanical Engineering Degree Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
BEng (Hons) Automotive Systems Engineering
CINEC Campus
The aim of this course is to ensure graduates have a thorough engineering education combined with specialist Automotive Systems knowledge recognised in the professional engineering community through an accredited degree.
3 years long
B.Sc. in Marine Engineering
Ocean University of Sri Lanka
The degree is designed to provide the student with comprehensive knowledge of Marine Engineering. Produce undergraduates in the maintenance and designs of steering and propulsion systems of sailboats, tankers, submarines and other marine vessels.
4 years long
BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering
ICBT Campus
Few places have a better claim to a specialist in automotive engineering than Sunderland. The University has gained international recognition through our Institute for Automotive and Manufacturing Advanced Practice, which provides solutions for automotive engineering design.
BSc. in Eng. in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
The subject of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering covers operation and maintenance aspects n and maintenance. The broad subject areas covered during this programme include aircraft structures, propulsion, aerodynamics and workshop & hangar practices.
4 years long
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Aeronautics) - Lincoln University College
Spectrum Institute of Science & Technology - SIST
This course will focus on the broadest areas of engineering that describes the applications of engineering in analysis, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems.
4 years long
Bachelor of Technology (Engineering)
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) Study Programme is the engineering degree programme offered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology, which is recognized by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL).
4 years long
BEng (Hons) Mechatronics
Skills College of Technology - SCOT
Awarding Body : De Montfort University - UK Recognition : University Grant Commission (UGC) Accredited by : IMechE & IET (Institution of Mechanical Engineers & Institution of Engineering and Technology)
1 year long
BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
ESOFT College of Engineering and Technology
The course aims to cultivate technical and managerial proficiency in mechanical engineering including the ability to tackle a wide variety of practical problems. The course emphasizes the development of a professional attitude to management, design, maintenance, sustainability, quality and safety.
1 year long
BSc (External) in Electronics and Automation Technologies
University of Colombo
Main objective of the BSc (External) in Electronics and Automation Technologies degree programme is to provide key analytical and technical competencies through the study of essentials in Electronics and Information Technology.
3 years long
BSc (Hons) Aerospace Engineering
Asian Aviation Center - AAC
Join the fastest growing and most exciting industry in the world through the BSc (Hons) in Aerospace Engineering from Kingston University, London, UK
3 years long
Bachelor of Technology in Manufacturing Technology
University of Vocational Technology - UNIVOTEC
Bachelor of Technology in Manufacturing Technology is 3 year long degree program at UNIVOTEC.
3 years long
B.Sc. in Aircraft Maintenance
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
This degree programme is conducted for civilian undergraduates in affiliation with SriLankan Airlines.
4 years long
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
Skills College of Technology - SCOT
Awarding Body : De Montfort University - UK Recognition : University Grant Commission (UGC) Accredited by : IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers)
1 year long
B.Sc. in Coastal & Marine Resources Management
Ocean University of Sri Lanka
The degrees is a multidisciplinary undergraduate program aimed at producing learned personnel required fr management of living and nonliving resources in the coastal and marine environment.
3 years long
BEng (Hons) Mechatronics Engineering
ICBT Campus
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering that includes a combination of systems engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunications engineering, control engineering and computer engineering.
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology - Lincoln University College
Spectrum Institute of Science & Technology - SIST
This course will focus on the broadest areas of engineering that describes the applications of engineering in analysis, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems.
4 years long
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
CINEC Campus
The aim of this course is to ensure graduates have a thorough engineering education combined with specialist Mechanical Engineering knowledge recognized in the professional engineering community by an accredited degree.
3 years long
BSc Hons (Engineering) In Mechatronics Engineering
CINEC Campus
After graduation, a student with a BSc Hons (Engineering) in Mechatronics Engineering will be prepared to work in a variety of industries. Robotics engineering, automation engineering, electronics design engineering, and mechanical design engineering are just a few instances.
4 years long
B.Sc. in Fisheries & Marine Sciences
Ocean University of Sri Lanka
This degree programme is designed to provide the Student with comprehensive knowledge of Fisheries and Marine Science.
3 - 4 years long
BSc. in Eng. in Aeronautical Engineering
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
The broad subject areas covered during this programme include aircraft structures, propulsion, flight stability and control, aerodynamics, aeronautical lab, aircraft material and hardware, maintenance practices and weapons technology.
4 years long
BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
ICBT Campus
Year 1 covers broad areas of engineering and is similar to our other engineering courses. The course then becomes more specialized with modules such as Thermo fluids and Engines, Manufacturing Processes and Engineering Dynamics and Strength of Materials.
1 year long
BSc in Mechanical Engineering
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
This four year undergraduate programme aims to impart knowledge of Mechanical Engineering concepts related to Design, Manufacturing, Control Systems, Industrial Engineering Energy Engineering and Automobile Engineering so that the graduates are well prepared to become competent Mechanical Engineers.
4 years long
MEng (Hons) / BEng (Hons) Mechatronics Engineering
CINEC Campus
The overall aim of this program is to ensure graduates have a comprehensive engineering education combined with specialist knowledge of mechatronics engineering recognized in the professional engineering community by an accredited degree.
3 years long
BSc in Marine Engineering
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
This full-time four year Bachelor’s Degree programme in Marine Engineering aims to produce a marine engineer with the overall knowledge of a competent engineer and with a thorough knowledge on systems that help to keep a ship running.
4 years long
Marine Engineer Officer Cadet Program
CINEC Campus
Students who successfully complete the course are eligible to appear for the Certificate of Competency for "Officer in Charge of an Engineering watch" Examination conducted by Administration.
BSc (Hons) Automotive Engineering
CINEC Campus
UGC APPROVED. Following the predicted fossil fuel shortage, research into new power sources and engine technologies based on them, including hybrid technologies, have led to exciting new developments in all forms of automotive equipment used for the different travel modes.
4 years long
BSc in Biomedical Engineering
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
Biomedical Engineering (BME) is the application of engineering and mathematical principles and design concepts to biology and medicine for the promotion of health care facilities.
4 years long
BSc (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
CINEC Campus
UGC APPROVED. Recent developments in alternative energy crisis, developments in material science and revolutionary new machine designs have fueled the development of new technologies and research related to Mechanical Engineering.
4 years long