Human Resources (HR) Training Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Foundation Course in Human Resource Management (FCHRM)
Chartered Institute of Personnel Management - CIPM
This course was designed to provide the participants with a basic conceptual knowledge and practical understanding of Human Resource Management and thereby encourage the pursuit of further study and a career in Human Resource Management.
2 months long
National Youth Centre NVQ Courses
National Youth Services Council - NYSC
The National Youth Centre has initiated several programs to enable the youth to develop their skills while also providing an opportunity to achieve their future job aspirations through the provision of a variety of programs to develop their vocational as well as language skills.
Chartered Professional Manager – Professional Programme
Institute of CHARTERED Professional Managers of Sri Lanka - CPM Sri Lanka
This program provides a structured progression through four distinct levels; Professional Certificate, Professional Executive Diploma, Advanced Professional Executive Diploma, and Professional Strategic Level.
8 months long