Medicine and Health Certificate Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Certificate in Caregiving
CCHE - Chester College of Higher Education
BECOME A PROFESSIONAL CAREGIVER • Certificate in Caregiving - Duration: 04 Months - CANADA Accredited Programme For Inquiries: 0742 833 834 - 0114 758 668,
04 months long
Certificate Course on Herbal Drugs & Cosmetic Value Addition Techniques
Industrial Technology Institute - ITI
Herbal drugs gaining popularity as never before in the market and value added such preparations increase day by day. This workshop will provide theoretical and practical exposure to come up with quality herbal & personal care products to the market.
8 days long
Certificate Program in Molecular Biology Techniques
Asian Institute of Business & Science - AIBS
The Certificate Program in Molecular Biology Techniques is designed to provide the opportunity to acquire the desired technical skills and the theoretical knowledge in the field of Molecular Biology.
3 months long
Wilderness First Aid program
ASHI MEDICS Lanka International
Wilderness First Aid program is a two-day course that introduction to general medical concepts and basic life support skills. It is targeted to the outdoor enthusiast on day trips or short adventures. Successful completion gets an Internationally valid license, certificate, and Digital Textbook.
2 days long
Care Giver NVQ Level - 03
St. Judy Paramedical College of Sri Lanka
Who is this Care Certificate training for? Although the Care Certificate is designed for new staff, it also offers opportunities for existing staff working at various levels to refresh or improve their knowledge and skills.
06 months long
Sports Massage Therapy
Cyril Antony Sports & Health Academy
Sports massage is a systematic manipulation of the soft tissues of the body that focuses on muscles relevant to sports. It can be used pre-performance, post-performance, during training, or for rehabilitation. We train you to become a World Class Sports Massage Therapist with our training.
3 months long
Certificate Programme in Laboratory Technology
Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Certificate in Laboratory Technology programme offered at Level 1 provides opportunities for adults without formal educational qualifications to enter the field of laboratory technology and obtain tertiary educational qualifications.
1 year long
Foundation in Psychology
Global Technological Campus - GTC
The Foundation in Psychology qualification is designed to provide learners with an excellent introduction to the field of psychology, enabling learners who have not acquired a formal A Level qualification to progress to a psychology higher diploma programme.
12 months long
Caregiver NVQ -L 4
Colombo Caregiver School - CCS
NVQ Level 4 bridging programme (Skill upgrade from NVQ 3 to NVQ 4) . Those who completed NVQ L 3 can join to NVQ L 4. Theory + clinical practice.
05 months long
Advanced Certificate Course in Cosmetics Science
CINEC Campus
This curriculum will teach you how to produce cosmetics while also assuring the production of safe, stable, and efficacious formulas as well as quality assurance tests. Basic and advanced skin, hair, body, sunscreen, and cosmeceutical personal care and cosmetic formulae will be taught to students.
03 months long
Fitness Trainer
Sri Lanka Foundation - SLF
To be a global standard trainer equipped with technical and soft skills to be a professional trainer with a valid certificate.. Get your Gymnasium/Fitness Centre Registered under the accreditation scheme to be initiated by the Ministry of Sports.
3 months long
Certificate in Health Sciences path way to Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled) - TAFE South Australia
International Institute of Health Sciences - IIHS
You can now start your internationally recognised TAFE South Australian Diploma of Nursing, right here in Sri Lanka, with our Certificate in Health Studies (Pathway to Nursing). Graduates are able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning with TAFE South Australia.
Advanced Certificate in Immunology
Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology - IBMBB
This is a Sri Lanka Quality Framework (SLQF) Level 2 course and equivalent to National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF) Level 4.
4 months long
Pharmacy Technician
IVA Para Medical Campus
IVA Para Medical Campus one-year Certificate of Pharmacy Technician will give you the boost you need to achieve your professional goals in today’s fast-paced healthcare system.
1 year long
Caregiver Training Programme (NVQ Level 3 and 4)
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
Join the NVQ Level Certificate in Caregiver with Lanka Hospitals on full time/ part-time basis and be eligible for employment as professional caregivers abroad and anyone interested in health related knowledge.
3, 6 or 7 months long
Technical College NVQ Certificate Courses
Department of Technical Education & Training - DTET
Department of Technical Education & Training offers NVQ level 3 & 4 certificate courses and you can follow there courses at Technical Colleges in your area.
Short course in bio-based nanomaterials
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
This course covers the synthesis processes for the biopolymer-based nanomaterials. The second stage of the course focuses on the characterization, fabrication, and applications of bio-nanocomposites.
5weeks-3 hr per week long
NEBOSH IGC in Occupational Safety and Health - UK
Safetek Global
The NEBOSH Certificate is the most widely recognized qualification for managers, Supervisors and Accountable persons for health & safety.
11 days long
International Certificate in Caregiving - ICIC (OTHM Endorsed Qualifications - UK)
Summerset Campus
Be a professional Caregiver in 3 months *International Certificate in Caregiving (OTHM Qualifications-UK)*
3 months long
Certificate in Molecular Biology Techniques
Spectrum Institute of Science & Technology - SIST
Introduction to Molecular Biology, Genomic DNA extraction, Agarose gel electrophoresis, Quantification by spectrophotometry, Amplification of genomic DNA using specific primers by PCR, Plasmid DNA extraction, transformation and selection through culture techniques.
10 days long
Certificate in Bodybuilding Instructing
Lanka Institution of Fitness and Nutrition - LIFN
A Bodybuilding Counseling Course with a Scientific Approach to a Healthy, Natural and Balanced Bodybuilding. Practical and Theoretically Discussed Course on Features of Precise Bodybuilding Exercises, Nutrition, and Preparation for Exercise.
1 month long
Foundation Certificate in Nursing
Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences
This certificate will provide a foundation for students seeking progression in the field of nursing to a Higher Diploma and beyond. The students will have the opportunity to sit for Government NVQ4 Exam also as an option.
12 months long
Certificate in Health Care
Institute of Medical Sciences - IMS
The curriculum was designed to reflect the student-centred problem based learning instead of the traditional teacher-centred information providing learning in the domain of knowledge, skill, attitude – professionalism, mindset and paradigm.
1 year long
Certificate Course In Pharmacy Practice
Ceylon Pharma College
All of the basics will teach you how to effectively manage a complete pharmacy practice. Reading prescriptions, the basic of disease, Determining the correct medicine for the patient also identifying the different types of drugs is a very crucial step for a valuable profession.
03 month long
Hospital Observership - Orientation for Medical Students
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
A programme with wider coverage and a health related training component has been designed for medical students of foreign universities to obtain practical experience in a hospital setting. Available 365 days.
3 weeks to 1 year long
Caregiver Certificate Course - NVQ Level 4
Colombo Caregiver School - CCS
Colombo Caregiver School offers comprehensive courses to become a skilled caregiver. NVQ Level 3 & level 4. Our courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to care for individuals with compassion and expertise.
5 months long
Certificate in Caregiving - NVQ CIC (TVEC Approved Course)
Summerset Campus
Certificate in Caregiver. After successfully completion of the course student will get a certificate from Summerset Campus. TVEC Approved Course. TVEC Registered Institution No: P01/0734 NVQ Approved Course
6 months long
Short course in Infrared Spectroscopy- Fundamentals and Applications in Polymer Industry
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
This course provides the basic and necessary information for the beginners, covering a wide range of applications. All the concepts are explained to the right depth to allow students to build their confident in using the instrument, analyzing, and interpreting FTIR spectra from the ground up.
4 days long
Advanced Certificate Course in Pharmacy Practice
CINEC Campus
This Certificate Course in Pharmacy Practice is offered by the Department of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Sciences and the mission is to contribute to the field of pharmacy by producing trainers with knowledge and skills in the field of good pharmacy practice with competence, compassion, and care.
06 months long
Cyril Antony Sports & Health Academy
Reflexology is a popular and relaxing holistic treatment based on the principle that reflex points on the soles, tops, and sides of the feet are connected to corresponding areas throughout the body.
Certificate in Microbiology Techniques
Spectrum Institute of Science & Technology - SIST
Introduction to Microbiology, Preparation of Media, Culturing techniques, Isolation of Microorganisms (from food, water, and the environment), Staining methods, Microbial analysis for identification of organisms.
10 days long
Nurse Assistant NVQ Level 04
St. Judy Paramedical College of Sri Lanka
Nursing Assistant regularly works within the vast networks of medical providers. While working under the medical staff the important thing they must have is the communication skills as they have frequent correspondence with other staff.
01 year full time long
Medical Laboratory Technician
Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences
This programme is essentially for students who aspire to become Medical Laboratory Technicians who provide vital information about the status and function of the body and its systems.
1 year long
International Certification in Caregiving
ASHI MEDICS Lanka International
Are you planning to migrate as a healthcare professional? Our International certification will make your dream career come true. Don’t miss this chance!!! Certificate in Caregiving
10 days long
Nursing Training Course
IVA Para Medical Campus
IVA Para Medical Campus is Sri Lankan leading Private Nursing Training School with a full range of physical resources including thirteen branches over the country.
1 year long
Sports Masseur - NVQ Level 4
Lanka Institution of Fitness and Nutrition - LIFN
Sports Masseur NVQ Level 04 is a National Certified Vocational course providing you with theoretical as well as practical training on Basic and Advanced massage techniques that will help manage as well as rehabilitate from accidents that may occur in sports.
1 year long
Pharmacy Technician
Institute of Medical Sciences - IMS
This course teaches us how to collaborate with patients, other medical professionals, and pharmacists to meet their medical and drug-related requirements and maximize safety.
1 year long
Hospital Observership - Orientation for O/L & A/L Students
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
This training is aimed at providing orientation in hospital practice during a period of 1 week for O/L or A/L students, who wish to continue their further studies in Medical sciences or health. A certificate will be granted after successful completion. Available 365 days.
10 weekdays long
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Summerset Campus
Are you looking for a well Paid, world class international or local career? Then don’t miss the chance. This career is one that is expected to experience rapid growth, which should result in numerous job opportunities.
1 day long
Bachelor of Nursing - Australia
CINEC Campus
Pathway programme to become a Registered Nurse in Australia. Offered by Chisholm Institute, Melbourne.
1 year long
Wilderness First Aid Training
ASHI MEDICS Lanka International
The program is the ideal medical training for leaders in remote areas including outdoor educators, guides, military, EMT's, professional USA Certification.
16 hours long
Medical Laboratory Technician
IVA Para Medical Campus
In this course, you will build upon your foundation of scientific knowledge, and will develop a deeper knowledge of scientific principles, gain stronger practical skills, and gain more hands-on laboratory experience.
one year long
Physical Fitness Trainer - NVQ Level 4
Lanka Institution of Fitness and Nutrition - LIFN
Lanka Institute of Fitness & Nutrition is the one and only institute which offers national certificates for physical fitness trainers.
Foundation Certificate in General Sciences
Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences
The Foundation Certificate in General Sciences is commenced with the facilities available at Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences along with Durdans Hospital.
- long
National Caregiver Certificate Course (NCCC)
Colombo Caregiver School - CCS
This is a Globally Recognized Certification programme conducted through AMERICAN CAREGIVER ASSOCIATION. Those who completed will received a licensed to work as a Caregiver (Identity card) will be issued along with annual membership opportunity from ACA, as a Caregiver which is globally recognized.
06 weeks long
Certificate Course in Pharmacy Practice
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
Are you interested in joining the field of pharmacy? Enrollments are now open for the Certificate Course in Pharmacy Practice for anyone interested in health-related knowledge. TVEC Approved.
6 months long
CPR, AED and Basic First Aid
ASHI MEDICS Lanka International
This program helps develop Basic First aid and CPR knowledge, skills, and the confidence to respond.
one days or two days long
Certificate in Aerobics Instructing
Lanka Institution of Fitness and Nutrition - LIFN
Opportunity to creatively and effectively hone your skills and pave your pathway to be an Aerobics Instructor. Diverse styles of Dancing taught with the additional theoretical knowledge in Schedule designing and Nutrition.
2 months long
Caregiver Certificate Course - NVQ Level 3
Colombo Caregiver School - CCS
Colombo Caregiver School offers comprehensive courses to become a skilled caregiver. Our courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to care for individuals with compassion and expertise.
3 months long
Trauma Nurse
Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences
This certificate programme has been specially tailored to build skills for planning treatment and care for critically ill patients and those requiring emergency treatment and care, and follow up with injured patients to provide care that is based on the need.
4 months long
First Aid & CPR (FACPR)
Summerset Campus
Are you looking for a well Paid, world class international or local career? Then dont miss the chance. This career is one that is expected to experience rapid growth, which should result in numerous job opportunities.
1 day long
Certificate in Operation Theater Technician Training | NVQ Level 4
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
This program aims to produce competent, confident OT technicians who contribute positively to healthcare teams and deliver exceptional patient care in surgical environments.
3.5 or 6 months long
Infection Control Nurse
Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences
This course is specially designed to improve the knowledge and skills on infection prevention and control in healthcare professionals, which is an integral part of any hospital. This course will further educate you on the prevention of healthcare-associated infections.
4 months long
Phlebotomy Technician
Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences
This is an in-depth course that will provide a general overview of phlebotomy, progressing to the specifics of a range of topics that you need to be thorough and confident in when carrying out the tasks and duties of a Phlebotomist.
4 months long
Nursing Assistant Training (NVQ Level 4)
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
Nurse Assistant Training Programme offered by Lanka Hospitals paves the way to a million opportunities for those who wish to enter the healthcare industry with much demand anywhere in the world. Our programme is designed to cover the essentials of nursing and open up job opportunities worldwide.
1 year long
First Aid & Basic Life Support Training
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
A health and safety training initiated by Lanka Hospitals that provides First Aid and Basic Life Support training to any personal and working professionals. Join us today and get certified. Tailor-made programmes are available.
1 day long
Diabetes Educator
Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences
This programme prepares you to further study to become a professional educator in the field of Diabetes, a highly demanded job role in addressing one of the world’s fastest growing chronic conditions.
4 months long
Certificate Course in Phlebotomy
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
This course is designed to train individuals as health knowledgeable competent, skilled, and compassionate phlebotomists. This program has been designed by qualified and experienced medical consultants in the laboratory field and will be conducted in a state-of-the-art center with modern technology.
6 months long
Cannulation Training Programme
Lanka Hospitals Academy - LHA
This Cannulation programme is designed to provide an understanding of the steps of Intravenous Cannulation. Students can practice the IV Cannula insertion procedure using a manikin arm or a model arm. For anyone interested in health related knowledge.
1 day long