Health & Safety Training Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
CPR, AED and Basic First Aid
ASHI MEDICS Lanka International
This program helps develop Basic First aid and CPR knowledge, skills, and the confidence to respond.
one days or two days long
IOSH Managing Safely
Safetek Global
The above program is awarded by Health & Safety Institute (HSI) of USA, one of the leading emergency care and response training organizations in the world.
3 days long
Certificate Training Program in Glove Manufacturing
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
This training program is designed to provide the basic knowledge related to manufacturing dipped products.
2 days long
Healthy Living Workshop
Niranga Academy of Arts - NAA
Healthy Living Workshop. Students who have completed G. C. E. O/L exam including with pending results are also eligible to apply, Applicants must be at lest 13 years old.
Cyril Antony Sports & Health Academy
Reiki is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means "Universal Life" and (Ki) which means "Energy".