Aircraft Maintenance Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Basic Course in Aircraft Maintenance
SriLankan Aviation College
This course is designed to serve as a career entry point into the field of Aircraft Maintenance Training. You will train to become an aircraft maintenance mechanic or aircraft maintenance technician.
2500 hours long
Basic Training Course in Aircraft Maintenance
Helitours Technical Training Center - HTTC
The programme aims to render dynamic bunch of professionals to the region, armed with core competencies on aircraft maintenance attributes which demands in the flourishing Aviation industry.
2 years long
Aircraft Maintenance Technician
CINEC Campus
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Program (AMTP) caters to those who wish to work in the aircraft maintenance related field.
2 years long
BSc. in Eng. in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
The subject of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering covers operation and maintenance aspects n and maintenance. The broad subject areas covered during this programme include aircraft structures, propulsion, aerodynamics and workshop & hangar practices.
4 years long
B.Sc. in Aircraft Maintenance
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
This degree programme is conducted for civilian undergraduates in affiliation with SriLankan Airlines.
4 years long