Psychology Certificate Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Psychology - Certificate Level Course - For Absolute Beginners
Intellect Education Solutions
Introducing you to Psychology and offering you the chance to deepen your comprehension of human nature. Applying what you study allows you to illuminate your understanding and improve the world around us
6 months long
Certificate level 20+Courses
Welington College
20+ Courses available for a duration of 1 year with a one time registration fee only. Fully Online. Lectures delivered in all 3 languages
1 year long
Certificate in Business Psychology
Imperial Institute of Higher Education - IIHE
This course will thus explore these areas in some level detail to provide a basic understanding of the subject domain of Business Psychology. The specialty focuses on "solution of problems at work”.
3 months long
CPR, AED and Basic First Aid
ASHI MEDICS Lanka International
This program helps develop Basic First aid and CPR knowledge, skills, and the confidence to respond.
one days or two days long
General Certificate in Applied Psychology
Chiththa Advanced Psychological Studies Open Institute of Sri Lanka - CAPSOISL
The General Certificate in Applied Psychology will gives a better basic knowledge in Psychology and how to applied it for day to day lives with psychological approaches.
6 months long
International Foundation Program (IFP) (NCC UK)
CIRP - Colombo Institute of Research & Psychology
This program prepares students to obtain the essential knowledge and skills required to face the challenges and be successful in their degree programs. Students who have not succeeded in their A/L's can follow this program to get into a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology.
01 year long
Foundation in Psychology
Global Technological Campus - GTC
The Foundation in Psychology qualification is designed to provide learners with an excellent introduction to the field of psychology, enabling learners who have not acquired a formal A Level qualification to progress to a psychology higher diploma programme.
12 months long
Certificate in Human Resource Management & Psychology
Human Resource Management Institute - HRMI
The Certificate in HR with Psychology is a unique programme of study which provides an overall understanding of the operational aspects of HRM together with insights into Psychology. This qualification will enable a newcomer to comfortably integrate into a HR department and start work effectively.
4 months long
Advanced National Diploma in Applied Psychology
Chiththa Advanced Psychological Studies Open Institute of Sri Lanka - CAPSOISL
Chiththa Advanced Psychological Studies Open Institute of Ceylon is a Leading Teaching Institution for Psychological Studies in Sri Lanka.
6 months to 02 years long