Psychology Advanced Diploma Courses in Sri Lanka
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Diploma and Higher Diploma in Counseling Psychology
Institute of Human Resource Advancement - IHRA
Institute of Human Resource Advancement, University of Colombo proudly announces the launch of much awaited training programs on counseling psychology.
1 year long
International Higher Diploma in Psychology
IDM Nations Campus
This is a course designed to provide a basic knowledge in Psychology to participants to render an understanding of the scope of psychology, to make sure students understand that psychology deals with life, human behavior and human thought.
24 months long
Advanced Diploma in Counselling & Applied Psychology
Leeds Campus of Business & Technology - LCBT
To equip students with comprehensive counselling skills and applied psychological knowledge, empowering them to make a meaningful difference in individuals’ lives and communities.
2 academic years long
Advance Diploma in Psychology
Global Technological Campus - GTC
Are you interested and fascinated by human behaviour and thinking? Would like to gain ground knowledge in this field to with people at home, work, and school or in society? This is an ideal program that could be your first step in to a fascinating journey in to psychology.
2 years long
Higher Diploma in Counselling Psychology
Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy - SIBA
The courses are based on theory and research, an understanding of ethical practices, and a set of professional and interpersonal skills.
18 months long