Entrepreneurship Development Programme

@ Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment - SLBFE
The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment expects to implement this programme to create Entrepreneurs atDivisional Secretariat Division level in order to empower migrant workers financially to start businesses /industries using their hard earned monies from overseas employment as well as to help those who are alreadyengaged in businesses / industries with such monies earned, after returning to Sri Lanka who were registered atthe Bureau.
Migrant returnees who wish to start such businesses / industries should submit their project proposals to theDevelopment Officers (Foreign Employment) at the Divisional Secretariat Offices to be referred to the ProvincialOffices and beneficiaries will be selected through a proposed Feasibility Evaluation Committee.
Contact Details
No.234, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha , Koswatta , Battaramulla
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