PG Diploma / MSc in Business Statistics

@ University of Moratuwa - UOM
Statistics is a much versatile subject which can be applied in almost any field. There is always an increasing demand to train executives in the government departments and private sector organizations on using statistics for business analyses. This program is offered focusing the executives working in business or any industrial environment who wish to expand their knowledge through a postgraduate qualification in Statistics, irrespective of the discipline of the first degree. Therefore, the program is designed with more emphasis on enhancing skills in applying statistics to industrial problem solving and the using common and specialized software packages for data analysis.
This program focuses on the application of statistics to explore, analyze, and forecast business data and to train participants with excellent quantitative skills in data analysis. More importantly participants should be able to properly communicate statistical outputs and to make scientific decisions based on statistical inferences in the fields such as business, finance, banking and government policy-making.
Business Management , Mathematics
Contact Details
+94 76 2271560, +94 71 8146791
Katubedda , Moratuwa
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