BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
@ Skills College of Technology - SCOT
Our Mechanical Engineering course will teach you how to take a product from initial concept, to design and manufacture. You'll learn about mechanics, structures and materials, and study design and computing - all vital for a career in this industry.
Course Structure
- Machines and Mechanisms - 15 Credits
- Power and Energy Systems - 15 Credits
- Finite Element Method - 15 Credits
- Control - 15 Credits
- Emerging Materials and Processes - 15 Credits
- Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - 15 Credits
- Individual Project - 30 Credits
Entry Requirements
- City & Guilds Advanced Diploma (9209/2565)
- Auston Higher Diploma
- DipTech (OUSL)
- HNDT (University College)
- NVQ 5/6
- Advanced Diploma (Skills College) or any equal qualification
Contact Details
+94 11 2 817717, +94 77 3620362
No. 102, Stanley Thilakarathne Mw , Nugegoda
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