Advanced Certificate in English
@ British Way English Academy
Students whose knowledge is low, mainly beginners, will be trained with the basics of English language in these levels. Anyone who wishes to learn English and speak effectively can join our courses as having prior knowledge in English is not compulsory. Our syllabus and training system is designed in such a way that any person, even foreigners who cannot speak English are able to catch up from the beginning. Beginners are trained starting from the alphabet and their basic communication skill is developed to be ready for the next level, Advanced Certificate Level.
Advanced Certificate Level is the second level where students with average English Knowledge are trained. They are trained in effective methods in communication covering all four skills while being trained for public speaking. Students are trained for two months (five days a week) eight hours a day.
Course Level
Spoken English , English General
Contact Details
+94 33 2 024141
2/36, Kandy Road , Nittambuwa
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