BA (Hons) English and TESOL
@ National Institute of Business Management - NIBM
The BA (Hons.) English and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) degree, awarded by the Coventry University is a modern, forward-looking course aimed at equipping students not just with ‘traditional’ English language, English Literature and linguistics subject knowledge and teaching skills, but also with the required awareness and digital literacies that will enable them to take advantages of the 21st century tools that enrich teaching and learning.
The course gives students, opportunities to develop skills through authentic teaching practice and to become articulate, knowledgeable, self-aware and creative graduates who can reach the zenith in the field of Education and related areas. Through this course, students will also study teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP), for example English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and Business English, Teaching Methodologies, Language Acquisition, teaching English to younger learners (primary and secondary school ages) and teaching English through Literature.
Employability is embedded throughout the course.
Upon completion of this degree, you will receive a qualification awarded by the Coventry University.
English and TESOL graduates can also pursue a variety of post-graduate studies. They can additionally go on to work in a range of fields within the Arts and Cultural, Digital, Creative and Business sectors. This course aims to prepare our graduates for a changing work landscape strongly influenced by the need for effective communication, organisation, team work, self-reflection, digital and creative skills.
This course offers not only the standard university lectures and seminars, but gives students the opportunity to learn through teaching and observing others teach, reflecting on such practices, the creation of digital artefacts (e.g. teaching materials), optional study trips and teaching and learning English online through OIL (Online International Learning) partnerships with the students on the corresponding course at the Coventry University main campus.
The expected outcomes of this course are;
- Apply acquired knowledge and skills in language teaching and linguistics to be effective teachers of English in the communities they go on to work in
- Use their understanding of theories of language learning and pedagogy to evaluate, select and adapt teaching materials in order to meet learners' needs
- Reflect critically and analytically on their own and others’ practice in order to continue developing teaching skills
- Demonstrate advanced understanding of the spread and nature of the English language as well as how English can vary and change according to context, identity and social interaction
- Communicate effectively in professional, academic and social contexts, and across a range of mediums including in person, on paper and online
- Develop and deliver research-informed micro-teaching sessions
- Engage in research-informed reflections on the teaching of English through literature and business across contexts
- Analyse and discuss fundamental aspects of grammar
- Evaluate research methods in applied linguistics and articulate project plans, in the context of ethical and professional frameworks
- Demonstrate their ability to evaluate methods and to devise, manage and complete a sustained body of independent work informed by appropriate research/scholarship, to appropriate academic and ethical standards
Language & Literature , English General , Communication Studies
Contact Details
+94 11 7 321000
120/5, Wijerama Mawatha , Colombo 07
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