BA (Hons) English Studies
@ National Institute of Business Management - NIBM
BA (Hons) English Studies, awarded by Coventry University is a course for students who are interested in both English Language and English Literature. This course concentrates more (though certainly not exclusively) on contemporary literatures and language use, and will give an insight into relationships 'from the local to the global'.
This involves a broad focus, including everything from regional literatures and varieties of English to Anglophone world literatures and World Englishes, in subjects such as Shakespeare today, colonial and postcolonial literatures, creative writing and English and globalisation. Employability is embedded throughout the course, which also includes English for business .
Upon completion of this degree, you will receive a qualification awarded by Coventry University.
English graduates can pursue a variety of post-graduate studies and work in a range of fields within the Arts and Cultural, Digital, Creative and Business industries as well as in the teaching profession. This course prepares graduates for a changing work landscape heavily influenced by the need for advanced communication, organisation, team working, self-reflection, digital and creative skills.
To that end, the course offers students the opportunity to learn through diverse ways. For example, students will create digital artefacts (e.g. online magazines, blogs, podcasts), carry out both self-directed study and collaborative group work, and, if they opt to do so, engage in experiential learning on field trips linked to their studies and reflect on this learning.
The expected outcomes of this course are;
- Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of literary works and genres from selected periods between the English Renaissance and the present day
- Develop a broad understanding of the evolution, spread, and nature of the English Language as well as how the English Language can vary and change according to context, identity and social interaction
- Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse works of fiction and non-fiction, interrogate and evaluate the arguments and theories of others and to formulate and construct critical arguments of one's own
- Demonstrate a range of intercultural competences, including knowledge of a variety of world literatures and World Englishes, and recognise how language underpins intercultural interactions and transactions
- Use advanced communication skills, both written and oral, in various social and professional contexts, and across various landscapes including in person, on paper and online
- Utilise digital tools and technologies to practise original subject-based research and demonstrate the ability to be active, engaged participants in the new era of online communication
- Be independent, critical researchers who are able to effectively navigate and interpret information, make use of evidence, and communicate findings
- Meet deadlines and challenges with resilience and confidence in order to perform successfully in a range of post-graduation roles
- Demonstrate their ability to devise, manage and complete a sustained body of independent work informed by appropriate research/scholarship, to appropriate academic standards
Language & Literature , English General , Communication Studies
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+94 11 7 321000
120/5, Wijerama Mawatha , Colombo 07
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