Diploma in Laboratory Technology

@ Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Laboratory technology is a multidisciplinary subject area that deals with acquiring knowledge and skills of the laboratory work related to disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering.
According to the scope of the laboratory, technical staff in the laboratory needs the knowledge in organizing and managing the laboratory equipment and services, purchasing the chemicals and equipment depending on the requirement, maintaining them and also keeping records in a data base. Therefore, well trained and competent technical staff are required to run different types of laboratories and to manage information systems.
Aims and Outcomes
- To obtain necessary practical knowledge with related theoretical knowledge in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, IT Skills, Computer, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Laboratory Management and to develop basic skills related to theories and concepts
- To obtain training on information systems and to use them for the purpose of storing and interpreting data and also for communication
- To develop personal responsibility and leadership in managerial and administration skills necessary to establish, improve and maintain laboratories while adapting to changing environments with new developments
- To develop research skills and to have competencies that help to deal with predetermined responsibilities
- To have positive attitudes towards ensuring the best possible service with limited resources and to undertake further training
Target Group
- Those employed as laboratory technicians who wish to obtain qualifications and thereby improve their promotional and/or career prospects
- New developers: those who want to come into the laboratory technology field for the first time with the view of obtaining qualifications
- Any person wants to pursue a Diploma in Laboratory Technology at their own time and space and at an affordable cost
Contact Details
+94 11 2 881452
P.O. Box 21 , Nawala , Nugegoda
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