BSc. (Hons.) in Logistics & Transportation

@ CINEC Campus
The BSc. (Hons.) in Logistics & Transportation degree is offered by CINEC Campus and is approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka. This is a 4 year degree and CINEC always facilitates students to find their internship in the first 6 months of the final year. Many job opportunities in Logistics and Transportation are highly sought by the industry; This industry, at present experiences a shortage of qualified workforce in order to face future challenges.
G. C. E. A/L Any Stream 3S passes for main subjects (Local) or Any other qualification of comparable standing recognized by UGC of Sri Lanka such as Edxcel/Cambrige with three passes for Main subjects in any stream
In every organization, job opportunities await in the Transportation and Logistics area. In spite of the fact that the company is private or public, the logistics and transport sector plays a major role. The successful candidates will receive high remuneration and top management positions in many organizations.
This degree offers you job opportunities as management executives with;
- Airports & Seaports
- Logistics Companies
- Multimodal Transportation Companies
- Shipping Companies
- Freight Forwarding Companies
- Cargo Surveying Consultancy Agencies
- Research Organisations
Contact Details
+94702002999, +94 11 4 486400
Millennium Drive , IT Park , Malabe
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