Big Data

@ WinSYS Networks
If you want looking for a detail class in BIG DATA from an Industry Expert, This is the Course you must attend. This Five days Class will be conduct from an Indian Trainer who is expert in this domain for many number of years with hands on for many companies. He will teach you with real scenario explanation what he did for those Multi National Companies during his Data Mining .
HDFS Architecture
- Design
- Architecture
- Data Flow
- CLI Commands
- Java API
- Data Flow Archives
- Web UI
- Linux Commands & Scripting
- Introduction to Linux
- Linux commands
- Linux scripting
- nstallation and Configuration of Hadoop
- Hadoop Installation
- Java , SSH
- Configuration & Running
- Global Environment Variable settings
- Core-site.xml,MapRed-site.xml , Hdfs-site.xml & etc
- NameNode, Secondarynode, JobTracker,DataNode & TaskTracker
- Running
- NameNode, Secondarynode, JobTracker,DataNode & TaskTracker
- MapReduce Architecture
- Introduction to Java concepts
- Map Reduce Theory
- Data Flow (Map – Shuffle – Reduce)
- Writables
- InputFormat
- Outputformat
- Java based MapReduce – Unstructured data, Structured data
- Introduction & Architecture
- Metastore - Remote,Local & Embedded
- Table properties (formatted & extended)
- Managed Table, External Table
- Aggregate functions
- Join , Union
- Partitioning
- Bucketing
- Loading JSON data, AVRO data
- Command line execution (Script)
HBase & Sqoop
- Dump, Store
- Join, Union, Distinct
- Partition
- Pig Spl Data types Tuptle,Bag & Map
- Loading unstructured data
- Executing command line scripts
- HBase & Sqoop
- RDBMS vs Columnar DB
- NoSQL vs SQL Architecture
- Role of Zookeeper, Region Server, HMaster
- DDL Statements
- Loading data from RDBMS to HBase using Sqoop
- Loading data from RDBMS to Hive using Sqoo
- Oozie, Flume, Yarn
- Oozie Workflow Automation
- Flume Log importing
- Flume importing Twitter data
- Yarn Installation configuration
- MapR1 Vs MapR2
- Scalability using Mappers & Reducers settings
Information Technology (IT) , Computer Science , Computing
Contact Details
+94 77 7860687
No 61, Bauddhaloka Mawatha , Bambalapitiya , Colombo 04
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