Arduino 2 Day Workshop
@ Technolabs Engineering
Workshop Content
- Introduction to Arduino programming (Data types, arithmetic operators, arrays, loops, functions, Interrupts)
- Arduino IDE and libraries
- Use of digital and analog input output ports
- Display methods (Serial monitor, LCD, etc.)
- Motor controlling (Servo, DC, Stepper)
- User input methods (Serial monitor, Keypad, etc.)
- Interfacing sensors (Temperature, Humidity, Ultrasonic, IR, etc.)
- Industrial Applications
All the practical equipment needed throughout the course will be provided by Technolabs Engineering. You can arrange a convenient time slot.
Medium - Sinhala
Teaching Method - Explanation >> Demonstration >> Hands on Practicals
Teaching Material - Lecturer notes, Required practical equipment
Required Material - Laptop
Information Technology (IT) , Computer Science , Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Contact Details
+94 11 3 673895, +94 76 1920125
241/A/1, Lake Road , Boralesgamuwa
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