NDT in Mechanical Engineering Technology
@ Institute of Technology University of Moratuwa - ITUM
The Division of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Maritime Studies conducts three courses at National Diploma in Technology level.
They are;
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Marine Engineering Technology
- Nautical Studies
Mechanical Engineering Technology
It is the practice for the NDT Mechanical Engineering students to follow a common course during the first year. Now it has been changed by implementing the new curriculum with effect from 2005. As a result, all the Mechanical Engineering students will be thorough in Automobile as well as Production Engineering.
And also Mechanical Engineering students undergo industrial training in the third year.
Maritime Studies
Marine Engineering students undergo industrial training in the third year while the Nautical Studies students undergo their sea training during the second year. Sea training to the Nautical Studies students is provided by the Ceylon Shipping Corporation and other shipping agencies.
- First year (30 weeks per year)
- Second year (30 weeks per year)
- Third year (Industrial Training 12 months)
A structured Industrial Training programme of twelve months duration is conducted under the coordination and supervision of the National Apprenticeship and Industrial Training Authority of Sri Lanka.
Students are attached to two different industrial establishments consecutively for a period of six months each. They are evaluated at the end of each training period. Successful completion of the Industrial Training is a mandatory requirement for the award of diploma.
Contact Details
+94 11 2 124000
Diyagama , Homagama
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