Advanced Diploma - IBM Rational Studio Applications Developer

@ Intellect Education Solutions
This course is available to study as an Online Course.
Specially for Absolute Beginners. IBM Mid Range Power Computers / Servers running IBM i OS Operating System. IBM Mid Range Power Computers are extensively used Worldwide by Banks and Multi National Companies for Critical Business Applications Processing.
IBM Power System Application Developer - ILE RPG, IBM CLP, IBM SDA on IBM Power Systems is the certification for you. The Intellect Advanced Diploma Technical certification shows Employers that you are capable of doing the ILE Applications Developer job in anywhere in the World.
After completing this course the participant can sit for the Optional Common Certification Examination be a certified ILE Developer.
Progression to UK HNC, HND & UK BSc Hons Degree - Globally Recognized Qualifications.
All Participants of this Course now have the added advantage of joining the UK HNC & HND Top Up courses and continue Higher Studies to obtain UK HND qualification that leads to One year (Final year) BSc Hons Degree at many UK Universities or proceed to Canada for employment with Canada PR Option.
Intellect International is the only Institute in Sri Lanka that conducts IBM Rational Studio Courses with Practicals on IBM i Mid range Computers / Servers with IBM Rational Tools & Web Sphere family of licensed products.Practicals for this course offered on Cloud Comuting Technology,
Paid Internship for One Year- All students completing this Course are given Paid Internship for One year in the Sri Lanka Corporate Sector. After One year Intellect offer participants the option of obtaining a job abroad.
Over the past 30 years since 1990 all participants who successfully completed this Course are employed Globally in well paid jobs,
This Course is conducted by IBM Industry Experts with over 30 Years IBM Working Experience in Middle East, USA & South Asia.
Weekdays or Weekends - Contact Office for Course Schedule
- Duration -Theorry 8 Months, 2 Months Assignments +Project
- Course Fee - Rs 180,000/- (5 Inst) Reg Fee - Rs 7500/-
Note- Registration fee is non refundable.
Fast Track Course - Online thru Google Meet
- 3 Days a Week - Course Fee - US$ 800/- Duration - 6 months
Practicals - Unlimited Individual Practicals on IBM i Power Systems using Cloud Computing Technology to complete the Programming Assignments.
Given below the areas of Study in this Course.
Section 1 - Basic Concepts & ILE RPG Coding
- Basic Computer Concepts
- Overview of IBM Control Language
- IBM Coding Specifications
- Introduction to RPG IV & ILE RPG
- Data Structures, Data Representation & Definition
- Calculations and Character Operations
- Conditional and Iterative Operations
- Accessing DB2 Databases & File Processing
- Advanced File Processing
- Arrays and Tables
- Printing Reports
- Interactive Programming
- Modular Programming Concepts
- Prototypes & Free Format ILE RPG
Section 2 - Core ILE RPG, Subfiles, and Externally Described Files
- Use externally described database, display, and printer files in a program
- Create and maintain subfiles and programs that use those subfiles (DDS and RPG)
- Recognize appropriate use of RPG creation commands (e.g., CRTxxxPGM, CRTxxxMOD, CRTPGM, CRTBNDxxx)
- Use basic array handling (e.g., *IN, LOOKUP, SORTA, MOVE, MOVEA, indexing)
- Code and use figurative constants (e.g., *LOVAL, *HIVAL, *ALL, * BLANKS, *ZEROS, *ON, *OFF)
- Code and use job date and system date
- Code and use structured operations codes (e.g., DO, DOU, DOW, IF/ELSE/ELSEIF, SELECT/WHEN, EXSR, FOR/ENDFOR)
- Code and use structured operations codes with expressions (+,-,*,/,**,<,>,=,(), and, or, not)
- Code and use date data types and arithmetic operations, including date operations in expressions
- Code and use RPG IV built-in functions
- Use H-Spec keywords
- Use RPG IV OpCodes (e.g. Arithmetic, Date, Message, Array, Declarative, File, Branching, String handling, Structured programming, compare, initialization, subroutine, data area)
- Code and use D-specs, including keywords
Section 3 - Advanced RPG & Problem Determination / Resolution
- Given an example of complex logical expression, determine its results
- Use data structure arrays
- Code complex D-specs (.eg. OVERLAY, coding fields without attributes, etc.)
- Use modern techniques to handle numbered indicators
- Declare and use subprocedures
- Use externally described data structures
- Write logic (including I/O operations) without numbered indicators
- Code and use free format programming
- Translate operation codes not supported in /free form (e.g., MOVE, CALL, etc.) into /free form
- Use qualified data structures
- Prototype program calls
- Determine appropriate use of passing parms by value vs by reference
- Enumerate advantages of Prototypes compared with PARM and PLIST
- Determine appropriate use for prototype keywords such as CONST, VALUE, and OPTIONS (*NOPASS,*OMIT, *VARSIZE)
- Use EVAL-CORResponding
- Debug RPG Programs
- Diagnose and eliminate errors for date data types and arithmetic overflow
- Code and use Monitor and %Error to handle runtime errors
Section 4 - RPG Data Handling
- Utilize embedded SQL in an RPG program (including / free form)
- Code and use I/O directly to/from Data Structures
- Determine multiple ways to use partial keys, including KLISTS, Key Data Structures, and direct specifications of key fields on I/O operations
- Demonstrate how to convert character and numeric data fields containing date values into Date data types and vice versa
- String manipulation with %substring, %scan, %replace
Section 5 - ILE
- Explain, create and use Binding Directories
- Differentiate bound procedure calls from dynamic program calls
- Differentiate "bind by copy" from "bind by reference" and their appropriate uses
- Determine appropriate use of activation groups, including ILE and non-ILE
- Create and use Service Programs
- Determine the impact and appropriate use of the DFTACTGROUP (Default Activation Group) parameter on the CRTBNDRPG (Create Bound RPG) command
- Determine causes and ways to avoid Signature Violation errors when using Service Programs
- Determine the appropriate use of the scoping parameters for Override and Open commands such as OPNDBF and OPNQRYF
- Two Projects involving an ERP Application development, Testing, Documentation & Implementation as given in Section 6.
Section 6 - Advanced Software Engineering & Development of a Sales Distrbution System & Batch/Online Core Banking Sysyem
- Requirements Analysis & Specification
- Software Development Project
- Testing & Verification
- Software Configuration Management
The successful completion of the Application Developer course also requires the finalization of the projects and submission of assignments in addition to a final examination.
Progression to obtain UK HNC, HND
Successful completion of the Advanced Diploma in IBM ILE Developer Course provides learners the opportunity to progression to UK Level 4 HNC & Level 5 HND (Higher National Diploma) 9 months further Studies plus 3 months project assignments at our Institute - (Top up Course Fees & External Assessment Fee - (Please contact our office for details).
Progression to obtain UK Degree
Students completing the UK HND Diploma Level 5 in IT are eligible to progress to register for UK One year Top-Up degree - Bsc Hons in Computing at UK University (Online Study £4900 - £5500 or One Year UK Study Visa £12,000) , Master's programme, or MBA at many universities in UK and overseas with advanced standing.
Once participant register for the UK Online Top Up degree optional offer of Guided study assistance with Personal Tutor available thru our Institute for an extra charge valid during one year of Top Up degree.
Information Technology (IT) , Software Engineering
Contact Details
+94 70 2959730, +94 76 579 3239
11-1/1, Bodirukkarama Road ( Vihara Lane), , Wellawatte, Colombo 6.
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