Certificate in PLC and HMI Programming
@ Techmast Automation
Over the past few decades, PLC programming has become one of the basic skills expected from an engineer of any discipline. This course is designed in such a way that the students will gain all the required skills and knowledge to become successful PLC programmers in a very short time period.
With our high end laboratory facilities and a highly qualified teaching staff, the participants will gain all the required knowledge to develop industrial PLC systems right away.
Target Audience
Engineers, technicians and university students
Entry Requirements
Basic knowledge in electrical technology, Basic computer literacy
Course Content
- Basics of a PLC
- PLC architecture
- I/O configuration of Xinje PLCs
- PLC scan cycles
- Basics of ladder programming
- Coils, contacts and virtual coils
- Rules and practices of ladder programming
- Data registers and data types
- Timers and counters
- Data manipulation operations
- Basic mathematical operations
- Comparators
- Organization of the program
- Using comments, groups, sequence blocks, labels and branch instructions
- Function blocks
- C++ functions for ladder
- Other languages for PLC programming
- IL programming basics
- Switching between languages (LD to IL / IL to LD)
- HMI programming
- Basics of HMI programming
- Designing GUI interfaces (Rules and practices)
- Developing a SCADA for pump house controller
Course Schedule
Weekday course - First 4 days of every week
Electrical & Electronic Engineering , Mechanical Engineering
Contact Details
+94 11 2 929999, +94 77 3902610
312A, Kandy Road , Kadawatha
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