M.Sc in Information Technology

@ University of Moratuwa - UOM
The course has been carefully designed to allow students to acquire adequate knowledge and enhance their skills in the broad areas of IT. The first year of the programme consists of lectures, practicals, tutorials and other academic activities will be carried over 42 weeks. During the second year, students will carry out a master’s level research project for six months under the supervision of qualified and experienced practitioners in Information Technology.
Compulsory Modules
- Programming and Program Design
- Object Oriented Programming
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Software Engineering
- Operating Systems
- Database Management Systems
- Data Communication and Computer Networks
- Web Technologies and eBusiness Systems
- Literature Review and Thesis writing
- PG Diploma Project - PG Diploma Only
- MSc Project - MSc Only
- Research Methodology - MSc only
Elective Modules
- Emerging Trends in Distributed Systems
- Computer Organization
- Data Mining and Data Warehousing
- Multimedia Systems
- Image Processing and Computer Graphics
- Human Centered Computing
- IT Project Management
- Management Information Systems
- Software Testing and Quality Assurance
- Computational Intelligence
Contact Details
+94 11 2 650301
Katubedda , Moratuwa
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