Design Foundation Program

Design Foundation Program
@ Academy of Design - AOD

The Design Foundation Programme can prepare you for the rest of your professional career. Choosing to study a design degree at AOD, whether it’s fashion design and textile, fashion marketing and design, interior design, graphic design, or animation, it's vital that it's a conscious and informed decision.

This programme helps young aspiring designers get a taste of different design disciplines and understand the reality of the work nature before they begin. It’s undoubtedly a great place to start.


The foundation Programme allows students to develop the skills they need to succeed in tertiary design education. In the eight months of the programme, students will be learning observational drawing, mixed media, composition and design, art history, design process, colour theory, life drawing, design thinking, and many others.

The programme covers everything from design thinking and practices during which learn the design fundamentals to the zeitgeist class where they learn designer 'must-knows' from the past and the present.


8 Months

Course Level





Graphic Designing , Interior Designing , University Foundation

Contact Details

+94 77 5727772

477, R A De Mel Mawatha , Colombo 04

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