Certificate Programme in Human Resource Management
@ General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
The certificate programme in Human Resource Management of the KDU will provide a rare opportunity for the participants to obtain a basic conceptual knowledge and practical understanding of Human Resource Management.
Moreover it is designed to ensure a high academic standard by a panel of senior academics and professionals from reputed Universities/ Institutions in Sri Lanka to facilitate participants to complete the certificate programme in six months while in service.
Lectures will be held in weekends at the KDU and the rest of the learning is through assignments/ practical work/ independent learning carried out at the participants’ own convenience. The medium of instructions will be English.
Course Delivery Plan
The programme is designed with a total of 08 subject modules within 15 credits.
- Introduction to Human Resource Management
- Functions of Management
- Job Analysis and Human Resource Planning
- Recruitment and Selection
- Human Resource Development and Training
- Labour Relation and Law
- Employee Relations
- Industrial Health and Safety
How to Apply
Officers, WOs and NCOs with required qualifications should apply through the respective service Commanders and Public and Private sector personnel through the Head of the Department/Institute. The selection will be done after aptitude test conducted by KDU.
Contact Details
+94 11 2 635268
Kandawala Road , Rathmalana
Send Inquiry

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