Masters Degree in Management
@ General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
The Faculty of Graduate Studies at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University provides a rare opportunity to obtain a Master’s Degree in Management. The programme covers a broad spectrum of management related subjects including all the key areas needed to become a successful team leader. The programme is ideal for those seeking careers in general management or whose current role requires enhanced managerial and leadership capabilities.
Moreover, the programme is designed in accordance with the Sri Lankan Qualification Framework, published by the Ministry of Higher Education and its academic standard is equivalent to Sri Lanka Qualifying level 8. It is designed by a panel of senior academics and professionals from reputed universities / military institutions in Sri Lanka ensuring a high academic standard to facilitate participants to complete a MSc in Military Science and Technology in two years while in service. Lectures will be held on every other weekend at KDU and the rest of the learning is through assignments / independent learning carried out at the participant’s own convenience. The medium of instruction is English and all the lectures are webcasted through m-learning platform of KDU.
Eligibility Criteria
A person is eligible for admission to the programme of study leading to the M Sc Degree in Management, provided he/she meets one of the following conditions.
a. He / She is a Commissioned Officer having a Bachelor’s Degree with 1st Class honours from a recognized university with minimum of one (01) year of service.
b. He / She is a Commissioned Officer having a Bachelor’s Degree with 2nd Class honours from a recognized university with minimum of two (02) years of service.
c. He / She is a Commissioned Officer in the rank of Captain / Lieutenant / Flight Lieutenant with a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university with minimum of three (03) years of service.
d. He / She is a Commissioned Officer in the rank of Major/ Lieutenant Commander / Squadron Leader and above with minimum of ten (10) years of service.
How To Apply
A person who wishes to be a candidate of the Master’s Degree Programme shall make an application to the respective Service Commander / Inspector General of Police / Head of Department who will submit these applications to the Registrar-KDU with their recommendations. All applicants will be required to pass an aptitude test conducted by KDU.
Contact Details
+94 11 2 635268
Kandawala Road , Rathmalana
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