BSc. in Eng. in Civil Engineering
@ General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University - KDU
The primary aim of the Civil Engineering programme is to provide professional engineers to the military and the industrial sector who possess skills in engineering and other interrelated fields. We ensure that our students apply their knowledge and skills to civil engineering practice as demonstrated by conception, planning, design, management and construction of civil engineering projects.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes of the programme are set up in compliance with the objectives of the University. On successful completion of the degree programme, students should be able
- to apply civil engineering knowledge to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
- to demonstrate the ability to use modern computational, laboratory and field techniques or tools used.
- to apply quantitative and qualitative methodologies to analyse key environmental issues
- to apply basic concepts in management, law, and leadership
- to propose construction methods for efficient practice in civil engineering
- to carry out tasks as a member of a multidisciplinary team
The Department of Civil Engineering presently offers Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering. In order to be eligible for admission to BSc Civil Engineering, a candidate should have obtained at least 'S' Grades in Chemistry, Combined Mathematics and Physics and a pass in the Common General Paper and be eligible for university admission.
The degree programme is being conducted in English medium for duration of four years and six months. The industrial training of the undergraduate students will be conducted at the respective Civil Engineering organizations of the private sector and relevant divisions of tri service.
The degree programme is a combination of lectures, tutorials, seminars and laboratory works with field trips, site visits and survey camp as appropriate. It equips officer cadets with a range of comprehensive knowledge and problem solving skills for a career in any of the diverse areas of civil engineering. In addition to the core engineering skills the degree programme places emphasis on the development of transferrable skills such as information technology and communication skills which are essential in the future career of officer cadets.
Contact Details
+94 11 2 635268
Kandawala Road , Rathmalana
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