Bachelor of Technology (Engineering)

@ Open University of Sri Lanka - OUSL
Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) Study Programme is the engineering degree programme offered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology, which is recognized by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL). The entry qualification to the Programme is the passing of GCE (A/L) examination - Sri Lanka in mathematic stream or equivalent.
The minimum duration of the programme is four academic years. For those who have higher qualifications can obtain exemptions from certain courses and could complete the degree in less than four years. (See under Further Details, for accepted qualifications for which exemptions could be claimed) The Programme is offered in the specializations of Agricultural, Civil, Computer Electrical, Electronic and Communication, Mechanical, Mechatronics, and Textile and clothing engineering.
The Study Programme has been designed to include all aspects of engineering by specifying minimum number of credits for different course categories of Engineering, Engineering projects, Mathematics, General, Management, English language, Computer literacy and Industrial. All engineering category courses are supported by relevant laboratory classes, mostly conducted at the central campus in Nawala, while some facilities for lower level courses are provided at the regional centers.
The core (compulsory) courses vary according to the field of specialization, and other courses are to be chosen from a list of courses to meet the credit requirement for an award. Minimum and maximum category wise and level wise credit requirements for Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) degree is given in the credit requirement table (see under further details). In addition to course credits, the students need to undergo industrial training of 30 weeks in a recognized organization.
Electrical & Electronic Engineering , Mechanical Engineering , Civil Engineering , Textile Design
Contact Details
+94 11 2 881256
P.O. Box 21 , Nawala , Nugegoda
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