Diploma in Health Promotion

@ Institute of Human Resource Advancement - IHRA

The Diploma in Health Promotion is specially designed for workers in health and health related government institutions and nongovernmental organizations. This is the first study program on health promotion offered from 2006, by a higher education - University institution for multi disciplinary category of employees in Sri Lanka.

Most of the employees working in health and health related institutions do not have access for advance training in their profession. Lack of such training reduces the efficiency of their services and fails to create an impact because new knowledge is accumulating at a fast rate to the Knowledge society.

The Diploma in Health Promotion would strengthen the foundation and equip Knowledge Workers in the health sector with the skills needed facing the challenges in their field of work to develop a healthy Sri Lankan nation competitive in the globalized Knowledge Society.


By the end of this diploma course participants should be able to

  • Understand and practice the concepts related to Health Promotion
  • Understand the determinants of health and health related behaviors and the roles and the functions of practitioners
  • Develop skills and attitudes required for endeavors on health promotion
  • Develop positive attitudes towards formulation of a healthy Sri Lankan nation

Admission Criteria

  1. Participants should have at least 3 Passes (New syllabus) / 4 Passes (Old syllabus) in the G.C.E (A/L) examination
  2. Six passes in the G.C.E. (O/L) examination and one year's experience in health related community development social welfare activities
  3. Any Special cases with relevant experience

Programme Structure

  • Introduction to community health
  • Introduction to health promotion
  • Principles of heath education
  • Communication and counseling
  • Information Communication Technology for health promotion
  • Introduction to behavioral science
  • Community development and community workers
  • Research methods related to heath promotion
  • Research Project (with Report and Presentation)


12 Months

Course Level





Health & Safety

Contact Details

+94 11 2 503393, +94 11 2 554724


No 275 , Bauddhaloka Mawatha , Colombo 07

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