Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology (DHEP)

@ CIRP - Colombo Institute of Research & Psychology
For most individuals this programme is their entry point to the field of Psychology. Many individuals from various fields have completed DHEP Level 4 and have started more advanced and specialised programmes in their preferred areas in Psychology. This is an ideal programme for the ones who would like to gain basic ground knowledge in psychology for any purpose.
Duration: 1 Year
Semesters: 03
RQF Credits: 120
Delivery: On Site
Schedule: Full Time/Part Time
Entry Requirements
-Advance Level (2 Passes) or Ordinary Level + Foundation
-Individuals who do not possess above entry qualifications could contact student counsellors to check their eligibility through non-traditional routes such as recognition of prior learning or related work experience.
Contact Details
+94 112 50 70 71 / 72
No 230 , Galle Road, , Colombo 04, , Sri Lanka
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