Advanced Certificate in HRM
@ Human Resource Management Institute - HRMI
This Executive Development Programme in HRM provides a comprehensive coverage of both operational HR plus Legal aspects of HR to enable the participants to make a professional contribution to the functioning of a HR Department. The Curriculum is very modern and includes the latest developments in HRM.
These courses could serve a variety of objectives for different individuals:
a. Large learning content in the shortest possible time for smart individuals who have had no previous formal HR education
b. An ideal course of studies for ambitious individuals planning to make a career transition to HRM
c. An access route to the Degree Pathway with direct admission to the Higher National Diploma/Diploma in HRM.
Course Content
1. Introduction to Management and Leadership
2. Introduction to HRM
3. Human Resource Planning
4. Job & Role Design and Development
5. People Resourcing Strategies and Practices
6. Recruitment and Selection
7. Employee Absence & Turnover Management
8. Reward Management & Contingent Pay
9. Learning & Development Strategies and Processes
10. Performance Management
11. HR Scorecards & Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
12. Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)
13. Career Development & Succession Planning
14. Health, Safety and Employee Well-being
15. Insights to Strategic Management
16. Strategic HR Management & HR Strategies
17. Industrial Relations and Employee Relations
18. Sri Lanka Labour Law
19. Disciplinary Procedures, Termination & Retrenchments
20. Collective Agreements, Employee Councils and Trade Unions
Minimum Entry Requirements :
- Minimum 2 years work experience (not necessarily in HR) OR
- Certificate in HRM from HRMI or equivalent OR
- Part Professional Qualification OR
- Undergraduate
Fees :
- Course Registration : Rs. 1,000 +
- Course Fee: Rs. 29,900 ( Rs. 14,950x 2 Instalments )
- Discounted fee for full payment : Rs. 28,560
- Special Discount for HRMI Past Students : 15% Course Fee - Free
Contact Details
+94 11 5 335986, +94 77 2204101
23, Vijaya Kumaranathunga Mawatha , Colombo 05
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